Tuesday, September 12, 2023

 9 11 23

Of late, my BUNCH FAMILY GENO searching and categorizing has suffered from the 

drouth as well as trying to keep abreast of the news.

Not keeping up with current news as a very young man almost got me killed! So you can 

sort of understand my present curiosity. In my early days it was, the war; the high school 

football scoreboard; Armature Boxing; and then my early jobs experience, such as 

mowing yards, and delivering the local newspaper (That I never read) using my bicycle. 

That had my interest. And by that time, one particular young lady held my attention. Oh, 

and my budding Military carreer. The everyday difficulties of food prices and raising a 

family wasn't even on the radar! 

How things have changed!

Jobs for a young man was not too easy to find in my rural town. Especially since every 

young man had "temporary employee" stamped on his forehead, having Military service in 

their future a probability, every one; except those with college deferments and such.

So, working out in the fields, and the hot sun, hauling hay; drivng a tractor with a mower 

or plow behind it, was a blessing. Only at the time I didn't know or appreciate that. 

Unloading 90 Pound sacks of fertilizer from boxcars down at the mill was not a favorite 

either, until much later, when running uphill or hiking across parts of California with bags 

of sand in my backpack during training! Then I was glad I had some strength and a bit of 

stamina in my britches. Still, I gripped with the best of my mates, as we guzzled as many 

beers as our wee budgets could endure in the EM Club on rare occasions.

I quit reading any newspapers years ago. Putting out a blank page or two would be an 

improvement of both "real news" and "real truth"! And watching any "so-called news" on 

the TV is more waisted time! You would have a better impact on your family playing Dolls

with your daughter, or reading Fairy Tales to your son!

I depend upon many Websites for just a token of what is going on. I look at a site of a 

crazy Christion named Steve Quayle to start off (https://www.stevequayle.com/). Yea, he

seems wacky, but if you can get over he's repeating what he believes is mot important; 

just to make sure you didn't skim over it, it makes a heap of sense. Especially as he is

batting over 99.9% on what is happening, and what is gonna happen, and why!

Then I run over "Drudge Report" which is more than slightly tilted to the LEFT and 

LGBTASSHOLE side of things. (For a reason!) Then I have a saved list of sites with "wide 

views". (Same having an axe to grind on only one side or t'other!) Such as Military news 

sites, and many "Bitchute" type of sites. Everything but Facebook", which is too CIA 

infiltrated (A nice enough term.) for me. All the logical "site load" to give me the crux of 

People mood and thoughts, and public Government moves.

Here is what I've garnered so far. (Including being weighted to the RIGHT, for a reason.)

There really is a movement for DEPOPULATION! And it is Govt-Media-One World-UN 

based! Nothing else makes sense out of "Their" statments, writing, and most important, 

"Their" actions,

There is TREASON  a'foot at times because on 911 tons of GOLD was moved before-hand, 

or turned up missing. Oh, Gold turns into a gas when burned at very high temps? How 

high? You mean Thermite high! That's what I thought...

Recently it was HAWAII that was incenerated. Parts were burned by wildfire. But not only 

was the fire suspicious, the Parts that burned was suspicious, while the Parts that did not 

burn was in the same catagory! Worse is the fact that 1700 Children are unaccounted for! 

This is more than unacceptable, it is CRIMINAL! The actions of the Police warrents Prison 

time! And those that ordered the "Police Action" of blocking traffic and other orders that 

cost lives deserve a worse punishment! In the years to come perhaps we citizens can 

hand out such punishment! Continuing to follow the law is a Heroic effort that will be 

remembered as the Hawaiians try to put their lives back together.

I saw a movie once about a gang stealing all the Gold from the Twin Towers, so it's true, 

they make a movie or a cartoon announcing what "They" are about to do to "Us". There is 

a Movie about such wildfires set from Space using "Beams"! And a Cartoon about 911 

"Planes" as well as the coming Internet "failure" in 2024, about January!

 Murderous VENEZUELAN GANGS have moved into NY! Speaking of New York, who 

elected any UN person to "Be Over" us? No One!  

The NM Govenor is in hot water for canceling the 1st AND 2ND  AMENDMENTs!

There are people watcher people that say the DEMS are setting up to RIG the 2024 


DISEASES transmitted by unvetted IMMIGRANTES  is bringing back TUBERCULOSIS; and 

POLIO into our communities!  

RUSSIAN "DOOMSDAY" PLANES are being stationed in SIBERIA. Maybe they got flooded?  

LIBERTY SAFES are no longer safe from the FBI! Check that out!!

So "They" are really following the "One World Order" plan exposed and explained in the 

Bible! Wonder why "They hate and deny it so much?


Dirty Water Dan


                                                         USS Garrett County LST 786


 9 11 23 Of late, my BUNCH FAMILY GENO searching and categorizing has suffered from the  drouth as well as trying to keep abreast of the new...