Thursday, March 9, 2023

It's A great day here in TEXAS


It's A great day here in TEXAS! Clear sky, crisp wind, neighbors talking about the torrential 

rain, horrendous wind, and almost a hun'drent tur'nad'urs we just lived through; you know, 

typical for North TEXAS.

I'm writing this because I ran across some info, that if true, is awesome, as it seems incorrect, 

in that the feller typed in (Cherokee) for just about every Indian, instead of (Powhaton) where 

I believe it should identify. However, if it looks like I'm joking, I didn't make this line up!

I do remember an Indian who liked a man so much he added his name to his own! Arroyha 

Winigum could be that name, I think that is the name I read about. Also, there is a dispute 

that "Amy Winigum did marry a Paul, just not Paul Bunch." (I know Tomehawk,I know :)

Making note of all that it would seem as if this line makes more sense to me, (by following 

Indian legend instead of educated guesses by educated geneologists,) than lots of others I've 

read over the years. Remember, this ain't my work. Oh, and I ain't found "John Henry 

Jeremiah Bunch" yet, but I have found three "jeremiah Bunch" in searching across the net. 

Yeah, you bet I'm workin' on this stuff, cause it would prove the writing in the books, "Parks 

And Bunch, The Way West". And the legend handed down by my Ancestors.

"There is a legend among descendants of Paul and his brother John Bunch, that they are 

somehow related to Pocahontas, the Pohattan Indian princess who married John Rolfe.

(Park Bunch families by Alice Crandall Park and Mrs. Garland King, Tennessee State Library.)"

(An Opinion) (est., btw., could have, might, perhaps, lived next door to:)

"A common mistake I have come across on the internet is that this elder Paul Bunch was 

married to an Amy Winigum of Orangeburg, SC about the year 1748. I have not looked for a 

marriage certificate for this marriage but I am sure it is true that Amy Winigum did marry a 

man named Paul Bunch. The problem is that people on the internet tend to change dates to 

try to make things fit, which is not a good practice."

IF you believe this is wrong, or have other records, PLEASE help by straightening me out!

(An Opinion)

my direct descendant Paul Bunch married Amy Willigum, a Cherokee Indian from NC. She is 

descended from Willigum, a Cherokee chief. Willigums took the English surname Winningham 


(Assumptions are allowed and good in this endeavor, correct?)

Of the fewer than one hundred African men who resided in Virginia before 1640, John Punch 

is the only man who bears a surname similar to Bunch. John Punch was an adult male living in 

1 In this section, names will be spelled out as they appear in the text of the document cited 

when the original records are quoted. There was no standardized spelling during this time 

period, so it is not unusual to find surnames or the names of places spelled many different 

ways, even in the same document. 

(This is totally an Assumption. X 2!)

"The children of John Bunch III freely married neighboring  white families." "This indicates 

that the children of John Bunch III must have been great-great grandchildren of the immigrant 

from Africa. Chronology does not allow them to be a generation closer. It is concluded from 

these facts that John Bunch I was son of a white woman by an African immigrant."

(I can only describe this as pert near dreaming.)

"If Hugh Gwynn had refused to grant John Punch his freedom at the end of his term of 

service, it could have provided him motive to seek freedom elsewhere, which he sought in 


(So, one might reason? One Surname + One Surname X An Arbitrary sized Radius = *1Amy?) 

"Given the extreme rarity of the surname Bunch in England and Scotland one might 

reason that having traced one white immigrant named John Bunch to his death (headright of 

Gervase Dodson) 14 would make it less likely there were two more unrelated Bunch men 

living in the same thirty mile radius in 1659."


Staying Safe from Cataclysmic Events

"And, in general, extrapolations are normally avoided altogether in science, or used only with 

great caution." 

(In a world where anything is possible, then nothing is impossible.)

"PAUL BUNCH born possibly about 1652–58, married by 1679, and died shortly before 16 November 1727"

Capt. John Thomas Rolfe


BIRTH 6 MAY 1585 • Hecham, Norfolkshire, Watkins, England

DEATH 22 MAR 1622 • Jamestown, James City, Virginia, United State

Scent Flower 1480-1525

Wife of Capt. John Thomas Rolfe

Scent Flower Powhatan Cornstalk Running Stream 1517-1600

Daughter of Scent Flower

Scent Flower 1517-1600

Daughter of Scent Flower Powhatan Cornstalk Running Stream

Wahunsonacock (Emperor Wahunsomacock Powhattan Powhatan CHIEF HILL POWHATAN) 

Powhatan Wahunsonacock Kocoum Powhatan (Patawomeck Tribe) 1545-1618

Son of Scent Flower

Chief Japasaw (1), aka Opechancanough Powhatan I Oppasus 1590-1620

Son of Wahunsonacock (Emperor Wahunsomacock Powhattan Powhatan CHIEF HILL 

POWHATAN) Powhatan Wahunsonacock Kocoum Powhatan (Patawomeck Tribe)

Father (Chief of Cherokee Nation) Whipsewansson Wahanganoche of Arroyha Winigum 1620-


Son of Chief Japasaw (1), aka Opechancanough Powhatan I Oppasus

Paul (Native American) Winigum 1650-1700

Son of Father (Chief of Cherokee Nation) Whipsewansson Wahanganoche of Arroyha Winigum

Amy (Cherokee) Winigum Bunch 1668-1748 (Wife of my Paul Bunch est 1652,(1673-1727)

Daughter of Paul (Native American) Winigum

John Henry Jeremiah Bunch (Cherokee) 1690-1775

Son of Amy (Cherokee) Winigum Bunch

Sarah Allison Bunch 1690-1740

Daughter of John Henry Jeremiah Bunch (Cherokee)

Maj. John Bunch Holder 1716-1816

Son of Sarah Allison Bunch

Lt. Jesse Elihu Holder Sr 1750-1802

Son of Maj. John Bunch Holder

John Harbard(Thomas? Ethridge) Holder 1783-1834

Son of Lt. Jesse Elihu Holder Sr

Ann Maria Holden(Holder) 1809-1858

Daughter of John Harbard(Thomas? Ethridge) Holder

Cornelia Angela Kimball 1834-1941

Daughter of Ann Maria Holden(Holder)

Howard Milton Boullemet 1870-1921

Son of Cornelia Angela Kimball

Mary Cornelia May Boullemet Bays 1882-1949

Daughter of Howard Milton Boullemet

Lillie May Mazie Wittman 1919-1997

Daughter of Mary Cornelia May Boullemet Bays


You are the son of Lillie 


There are tons of other similar lines like this one posted above;

My Blog with pics.


Dan Bunch (Dirty Water Dan)


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 9 11 23 Of late, my BUNCH FAMILY GENO searching and categorizing has suffered from the  drouth as well as trying to keep abreast of the new...